It was truly the train wreck you know you shouldn't allow yourself to absorb, but curiosity insists on staring at-with raised eyebrows and open mouth.
First of all, there is no occasion with these women where a confrontation is inappropriate. There is no offense too small to be harbored and held for later--as a weapon of surprise attack. Secondly, there is nothing these women won't say about each other--behind their backs--even though there is (or because there is (?)) a camera stuck in their faces. And, thirdly, their proudest statements are like tossed aside photos of the truth, in favor of the dark confusing negative. (OK, that would have been a really good analogy a few years back before the whole world went, not only are there no negatives lying around in old photo envelopes, but some people don't ever even take their digital pics off the memory one I know personally.)
Here are some of the gems from the show: (not exact exact quotes, because I didn't write it all down, but it is as close as memory will serve-maybe even a little nicer than the actual quotes).
"L"-"I can't believe she said that to her face! I mean who does that? Sure talk to other people...sure subtle whispers...but to say it right to her face?!"
"J" - "I kept her hurtful message so I could play it back to myself whenever I started to feel weak". (as in, I could feel myself just wanting to get over it, but I fed my hurt and rage instead)
And, from the housewife who's being featured in Playboy, as she broaches the subject with her 2 young daughters:
"K" - "Girls, what do you think about mom being in Playboy?"
"Well," the one daughter responds, "with clothes on, yes, without, no. Case closed."
And the other: "You mean showing your weirdness for the camera?"
But later, when asked what her young daughters thought of her posing, she smiled and said:
"Oh, I talked to them about it, they're really excited!"
One of the Playboy mom's friends bragged to the other housewives enthusiastically saying:
"Well, every woman's dream of being in Playboy is actually becoming a reality for Kelly, here!" All smiles and endorsement. But once she's alone and speaking just to the camera...(oh- and the world), she was suddenly conflicted: "I don't know how I feel about her posing for Playboy...I mean she has 2 small children..."
And finally, in her own defense, Kelly, the Playboy mom, explains:
"It's not like I'm being photographed nude...I'm being photographed nude for the most famous book in the world!" (Hello!)
I don't know why my head is still spinning from it. It's reality TV. It's not a self help show, or even a serious documentary. It's art poking and prodding at life until it shows it's most prickliest, ugliest, self-absorbed-survivalist head.
And it's not that these women are the worst women ever. It's that they are like wounded animals--caught in a trap attempting to chew each others legs off in order to hopefully get out alive. (All the while wearing designer clothes, having their roots done, being spray tanned, and smiling like they're having the time of their lives.)
Anyone of us could do what they're doing...think what they're thinking. It's a dog eat dog world out there...if you decide to be one of the dogs. And we've all done it:
- Talked about somebody who hurt us, instead of going to them in truth and love and letting them know we were hurt.
- Enjoyed the drama of being wronged, and kept our hurt and anger alive, when we could have just gotten over it.
- Heard what we wanted to hear--regardless of what was actually said.
- Publicly acted thrilled for someone and privately criticized them.
- Redefined our situation with no allegiance whatsoever to reality and truth.
It takes so little to fall into that trap. All you really have to do is forget that there are 2 masters vying for your allegiance. One who has come only to steal, and kill, and destroy. And One who has come to give life, and life to the full. One has the keys to free you from the trap--the other set it for you, and is cheering wildly as you bite and devour one another.
So. It is up to you, and it is up to me. It can only be a dog-eat-dog world, if we decide to be dogs...(females, that goes double for us!). What if we decide to grow up in Christ instead? What if we decide to "do unto others as we would have them do unto us"? What if Love ruled the day?
Now that would be a better day.